Los famosos lloran por las víctimas de Nepal

Eva Longoria, con el dalai lama.
WhoSay Eva Longoria

Los famosos no son inmunes a las tragedias que suceden en el mundo. Un desastre natural, como el terremoto que ha dejado en ruinas Katmandú, capital de Nepal, y ha causado la muerte a más de 2.000 personas, no ha dejado indiferente a nadie. El seísmo, de 7,9 grados ha sido devastador y las redes sociales, bajo el hashtag #PrayForNepal, se han llenado de mensajes de solidaridad con las víctimas y de imágenes sobrecogedoras del desastre.


Megan, hermana del aventurero Dan Fredinburg, exnovio de la actriz Sophia Bush, informó a través de la cuenta de instagram de su hermano que este había fallecido a consecuencia de una de las avalanchas que se produjeron en el monte Everest tras el seísmo. Sophia Bush se mostró devastada con la noticia.


Eva Longoria publicó una foto con el dalai lama, líder espiritual tibetano -en Nepal vive una importante población de refugiados huidos del Tibet- y un mensaje de apoyo a las víctimas y a sus familias. Y Enrique Bunbury subio un vídeo de Héroes del Silencio como homenaje.



pray for #nepal

Una foto publicada por Fonsi nieto (@fonsinieto10) el



PRAY FOR NEPAL ❤❤❤ #nepal

Una foto publicada por Blanca Romero (@blancaromeroe) el




There are no adequate words. Today I find myself attempting to pick up the pieces of my heart that have broken into such tiny shards, I'll likely never find them all. Today I, and so many of my loved ones, lost an incredible friend. Dan Fredinburg was one-of-a-kind. Fearless. Funny. A dancing robot who liked to ride dinosaurs and chase the sun and envision a better future for the world. His brain knew how to build it. His heart was constantly evolving to push himself to make it so. He was one of my favorite human beings on Earth. He was one of the great loves of my life. He was one of my truest friends. He was an incredible brother, a brilliant engineer, and a damn good man. I'm devastated and simultaneously so deeply grateful to have known and loved him, and to have counted him as one of my tribe. I was so looking forward to our planned download of "all the things" when he got home. I am crushed that I will never hear that story. I am crushed knowing that there are over 1,000 people in Nepal suffering this exact feeling, knowing that they too will never hear another tale about an adventure lived from someone that they love. Disasters like this are often unquantifiable, the enormity is too much to understand. Please remember that each person who is now gone was someone's Dan. Please remember that our time on this Earth is not guaranteed. Please tell those you love that you do. Right now. This very minute. And please send a kiss to the sky for my friend Dan. His energy is so big and so bright, and it's all around us, so put some love toward him today. And then hug your loved ones again. #goodbyesweetfriend #savetheice #Nepal

Una foto publicada por Sophia Bush (@sophiabush) el


